Student Mentoring Program…

Posted in Student Spotlight
Sarah Driscoll, BSN (DNAP ’21) Selected for the Student Mentoring Program at Mid-Year Assembly
Sarah Driscoll, Class of 2021, was chosen to participate in the Student Mentoring Program sponsored by the AANA Communications Committee during the Mid-Year Assembly (MYA) in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the Mentoring Program is to provide an awesome educational experience for student leaders who will spend a full day one-on-one with an experienced CRNA who is also an MYA regular.
Sarah shared, “One of the main reasons I chose Georgetown is for the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the political involvement associated with my future career. The list of guest lecturers that we have had the opportunity to attend, simply due to living in the nation’s capital has been invaluable. Also, attending the Mid Year Assembly absolutely exceeded my expectations! I had the opportunity to network with so many