Carrie Bowman Dalley Faculty Profile

Carrie Bowman Dalley, PhD, CRNA is the Program Director and an Associate Professor in the Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Program at Georgetown University. She has been a member of the nurse anesthesia faculty since 2006 and has previously served as the Assistant Program Director, Outcomes and Teaching Director, and Research Director. She is the course director of ‘Anesthesia Pharmacology,’ ‘Advanced Pharmacology,’ and serves as the first and second reader for several DNAP Scholarly Projects. Her excellence in teaching has been recognized by a ‘Faculty Achievement in Education Award’ at Georgetown University Medical Center Convocation in 2015 and an ‘Innovation in Teaching Award’ at Georgetown University Department of Nursing in 2007.
Dr. Bowman Dalley received her BSN at the University of Washington and MS in Nurse Anesthesia from Georgetown University. In 2017, she earned her Ph.D. in Pharmacology with a research focus on “The Role of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 in Glioma Cell Line Viability.” Dr. Bowman Dalley practices as a CRNA at Georgetown University Hospital, where she provides expert anesthesia care to various sub-specialties and is a preceptor to nurse anesthesia students.
Within the University, she serves as the Vice Chair of the School of Nursing Executive Faculty and on several committees within the Nurse Anesthesia Program, the Department of Nursing, and at the Institutional level. In addition to her service in the DNAP program, Dr. Bowman Dalley also volunteers as a reviewer for the AANA Journal and is the Chair of the NBCRNA Applied Clinical Pharmacology CPC Module Recognition Panel.
Original Papers in Refereed Journals
- N. Lee, J. Feldt, A, C. Bowman, L. Shirle, and L. Eshkevari A Retrospective Study: Multimodal Analgesia Quality Measure Implementation and Patient Outcome Assessment AANA Journal Accepted, Pending publication 2023.*
- Baillie L, Newby J, Tkach L, Bowman Dalley C, O’Guin C, Crowell NA, Eshkevari L. Assessing CRNA knowledge of local anesthetic systemic toxicity treatment. AANA J. Accepted for publication.
- Allen R, Nemec C, O’Guin C, Crowel NA, Bowman Dalley C. Temporary intraoperative handoff report amongst nurse anesthetists: utilization of standardized handoff tools and barriers to implementation. AANA J. 2023 Apr;91(2):130-136. PMID: 36951842
- Serrano Y, Bowman Dalley C, Crowell NA, Eshkevari L. Racial and ethnic discrimination during clinical education and its impact on the well-being of nurse anesthesia students. AANA J. 2023 Aug;91 (4).
- Olivia B, Sparks H, Bowman Dalley C, Everson M, Crowell NA, and Eshkevari L. Examination of a nurse anesthesia program’s teaching assistant model and its impact on increasing nurse anesthesia education capacity. AANA J. 2023 Jun;91(3):211-217. PMD 37227960.
- Masselink T, Hardinger J, Bowman Dalley C, O’Guin C, Hendrix K, Crowell NA, Eshkevari L. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ occupational exposure to inhalational anesthetic agents: a survey of anesthetic gas safety. BMC anesthesiology, 2022 Dec; 22(1), 1-8. doi: 10.1186/s12871-022-01896-y.
- Day CMF, Lakatos KM, Bowman Dalley C, Eshkevari L, O’Guin C. The experience of burnout in the SRNA population and association with situational and demographic factors. AANA J. 2022 Dec; 90(6):447-453. PMID: 36413190.
- Grogan M, Crowell NA, Dalley CB, O’Guin C. Identifier bouffants: an exploration of the impact on verbal communication among interdisciplinary operating room personnel. AANA J. 2022 Feb;90(1):27-33. PMID: 35076380.
- Richards K, Richards J, Slaven S, O’Guin C, Potter B, Bowman Dalley C. Estimation of surgical blood loss by anesthesia and surgical trainees: impact of an educational intervention on interrater reliability. AANA J. 2021 Dec;89(6):467-474. PMID: 34809751.
- Gisriel C, Bowman Dalley C, Walker A. Supplementing pharmacologic didactic lectures with high fidelity simulation: A pilot study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2021 Apr 1;53:59-65.
- Horvath C, Bowman Dalley C, Grass N, Tola DH. Marijuana use in the anesthetized patient: History, pharmacology, and anesthetic considerations. AANA J. 2019 Dec;87(6):451-458. PMID: 31920198.
- Bowman Dalley C, Wroblewska B, Wolfe B, Wroblewski J. The role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 dependent signaling in glioma viability. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2018 Oct;367(1):59-70. doi: 10.1124/jpet.118.250159. PMID: 30054311.
- Tuan EW, Horti AG, Olson TT, Gao Y, Stockmeier CA, Al-Muhtasib N, Bowman Dalley C, et al. AT-1001 is a partial agonist with high affinity and selectivity at human and rat alpha3beta4 nicotinic cholinergic receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 2015 Oct;88(4):640-9. doi: 10.1124/mol.115.099978. PMID: 26162864; PMCID: PMC4576681.
- DiRaddo JO, Miller EJ, Bowman-Dalley C, Wroblewska B, Javidnia M, Grajkowska E, et al. Chloride is an agonist of group II and III metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 2015 Sep;88(3):450-9. doi: 10.1124/mol.114.096420. PMID: 26089372.
- Gelb T, Pshenichkin S, Hathaway HA, Grajkowska E, Dalley CB, Wolfe BB, et al. Atypical signaling of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 in human melanoma cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2015 Nov 1;98(1):182-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2015.08.091. PMID: 26291396.
- Dalley CB, Tola D, Kesten K. Providing safe passage: rapid sequence intubation for advanced practice nurses. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2012 Jul-Sep;23(3):270-83; quiz 284-5. doi: 10.1097/NCI.0b013e31825dfea6. PMID: 22828060.
- Bowman CC. The Gum elastic bougie and the morbidly obese patient (case report). (2004) International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia. 2004; 3(3), 118-20.
Book Chapters
- Bowman C, Hillard J. Chapter 42: Anesthetic Complications Associated with ECT. In: Kirsh J, Brambrink, A. ed. Essentials of Neurosurgical Anesthesia & Critical Care: Strategies for Prevention, Early Detection, and Successful Management of Perioperative Complications, 2nd ed. 2019, New York, NY: Springer.
- Bowman Dalley C, Goode V, Horvath C, Jasinski D, Tola D. Chapter 39: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance. In: Taylor, C. R, Lillis, C., Lynn, P. ed. Fundamentals of nursing: The art and science of person-centered care, 8th ed. 2015, Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Bowman C, Hillard J. Chapter 34: Anesthetic Complications Associated with ECT. In: Kirsh J, Brambrink, A. ed. Essentials of Neurosurgical Anesthesia & Critical Care: Strategies for Prevention, Early Detection, and Successful Management of Perioperative Complications. 2011, New York, NY: Springer.
Abstracts for Conference papers and posters
- M. Stokes, MK Andrews, C O’Guin, C Bowman Dalley, CRNA Perceptions of the Barriers to Utilization of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocols in Pediatric Open Abdominal and Urologic Surgery. Poster accepted AANA Annual Congress, August 2023.
- K. Sweeny, S. Toth, C. Bowman Dalley, C. O’Guin, Evaluating the Relationship Between Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists’(SRNA’s) Emotional Intelligence and Clinical Performance. Poster accepted AANA Annual Congress, August 2023.
- McHale A, Rozenberg M, Crowell N, McAuliffe M, Gisriel C, Bowman Dalley C. The impact of high-fidelity simulation on student registered nurse anesthetists’ knowledge acquisition and long-term pharmacologic knowledge retention. Poster presented at AANA Assembly of Clinical and Didactic Educators, February 24, 2023, Austin, Texas.
- Boykin B, Pezzi A, Crowell N, O’Guin C, Bowman Dalley C. Emergency cognitive aid use among certified registered nurse anesthetists and barriers to utilization in the perioperative environment. Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists Winter Workshop, February 4, 2022, Richmond, VA.
- Olivia B, Sparks H, Bowman Dalley C, Everson M, Crowell NA, and Eshkevari L. Examination of a nurse anesthesia program’s teaching assistant model and its impact on increasing nurse anesthesia education capacity. Poster presented at AANA Assembly of Clinical and Didactic Educators, February 17, 2022, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Camacho. A, Bowman-Dalley. C, O’Guin. C, Walker. A. The Impact of Simulation-Based Training on Situation Awareness in Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists: A Pilot Study. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Annual Congress. Virtual (8/2020).
- Sullivan. A, Litchfield. J , Eshkevari, L, Bowman-Dalley. C. An Exploration of Nurse Anesthesia Program Administrators’ Perception of the Use of Lab Simulations in Lieu of Clinical Experiences for Student Nurse Anesthetists’ Knowledge and Skill Acquisition. American Association of Nurse Anesthetist Annual Congress. Virtual (8/2020).
- Bowman Dalley C, Wroblewska B, Wolfe B, Wroblewski J. The role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 dependent signaling in glioma viability. Poster presentation at the 9th International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors 2017; October 4th 2017, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
- Bowman Dalley C, Lewin A, Tuan E, Al-Muhtasib N, Tran T, Gao Y, Horti AG, Keller, KJ. AT-1001: pharmacological profile at rat and human α3β4 and α4β2 nicotinic receptors. Poster presented at: Neuroscience 2013 (SFN); November 10, 2013; San Diego, CA.
Invited Lectures
- Reversal and Beyond: Unexpected Uses for Opioid Antagonists (1 Class A CE with 1 Pharm). American Association of Nurse Anesthetists National Congress 2023, Seattle, WA. Scheduled for August, 2023.
- STEMI’s Stepchild: Let’s Talk About Myocardial Injury After Non-Cardiac Surgery (MINS) (1 Class A CE with 1 Pharm). American Association of Nurse Anesthetists National Congress 2023, Seattle, WA. Scheduled for August, 2023.
- Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity: Updates on Recognition and Management (1 Class A CE with 0.5 Pharm). Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists (VANA) Winter Workshop (held virtually during the pandemic), February, 2021.
- “This is the LAST Thing I Want to Say.” AANA CRNA Knowledge Network (1 Class A CE with 0.5 Pharm). July, 2020. Abstract was originally accepted for the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists National Congress 2020 which was canceled during the pandemic.
- The Role of the Nurse Anesthetist,” National Student Nurses’ Association National Convention. Baltimore, MD, April, 2006.