2022 Teaching Assistants
Posted in Announcements
We are proud to announce the 2022 DNAP Teaching Assistants from the Class of 2023. Max Rozenberg, Megan Tiffany, Ashley Featherstone, Alexis McHale, Michelle Sales, and Laura Baillie were selected as the Introduction to Nurse Anesthesia TAs.

Max was born and raised in New York, specifically Long Island and Brooklyn. He worked at Northwell Health-North Shore University Hospital in the neurosurgical and cardiothoracic critical care units. After being accepted to Georgetown University, he moved to Washington DC.
“My interest in education dates back to grade school. I have always had a great appreciation for those who taught me. The teachers and mentors I have had throughout my training have had a great impact on me. I am thankful to GU DNAP for the opportunity to have spent time with students in both the classroom and simulation lab. I believe the most profound way to impact someone’s training is to teach them something and have them understand it. If you do this, you have done your job.”
Megan Tiffany moved from Seattle, WA, where she completed her bedside nursing career in the Neuroscience ICU at Harborview Medical Center. She had been an ICU nurse for 10 years, with additional experience in SICU, CVICU, MICU, and CICU settings.
“The opportunity to work alongside our remarkable professors while gaining a deeper understanding of our anesthesia coursework was something I could not overlook. I’ve always considered becoming a professor, and being a TA allowed me to preview what that future endeavor would be like. Helping other students conceptualize this rigorous coursework while supporting the professors that have given me so much these last few years has been incredibly rewarding”

Ashley is a University of Maryland nursing school graduate (class of 2016), and prior to attending Nurse Anesthesia school, she was a medical/surgical ICU nurse in North Carolina.
“From precepting new ICU nurses, taking on a clinical coordinator role in the ICU and working as a TA in nursing school, I have found a passion for education. The TA opportunity at Georgetown has allowed me to continue that passion for education in nurse anesthesia school. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience to work alongside our amazing faculty and use my skill set and knowledge to build and shape the next generation of passionate nurse anesthetists.”
Originally from Houston, TX, Alexis has worked as a trauma and burn ICU nurse across the country — from Mobile, AL to Phoenix, AZ, and Honolulu, HI.
“I always loved precepting new grad nurses and taking on nursing students on their clinical rotations in the ICU. I knew I would pursue education one day, so the TA program at Georgetown was a huge selling point to me. Education elevates the practice of our profession and I am proud to play a part in the education that SRNAs receive at Georgetown. It has been incredibly fun and rewarding being a TA!”

Michelle completed her BSN from Ohio State University and worked as a medical ICU nurse in Philadelphia before starting graduate school.
“My passion for teaching started as an undergraduate tutor as well as a senior “practice partner” for sophomores as they started their clinical journey. The gratification I get from helping students learn concepts and skills is something I’d love to continue to do in the future. As a TA, I get to witness the growth and confidence that first and second years need to foster while giving me assurance in what I know. There’s nothing better than combining the two things I really enjoy – anesthesia and teaching!”
Laura Baillie is from Mesa, AZ and moved to DC in 2020 for the DNAP program at Georgetown. She was previously an RN at Mayo Clinic Arizona for 9 years where she spent 6 years in their ICU.
“I am thankful for the opportunity to work with the up and coming nurse anesthesia classes in our program. I always enjoyed precepting as an ICU RN and am grateful to continue on in a similar role as a Senior SRNA. We learned of the TA opportunity in our first year and I immediately was interested. The TA role not only provides us the space to grow in our own anesthesia knowledge base, but gives me a deep appreciation for the time and effort our faculty has put towards our experience.”